Not that I have any lately with taking care of Doc, but when we were in the med center for week (which was supposed to be two days) and I’d read the book I’d brought, I amused myself when he was napping with the best the gift shop had to offer.  The book I’d brought with me was Hope McIntyre’s How to Marry a Ghost.

I’d read the first in this series, titled How to Seduce a Ghost and found the characters distinctive and original.   Plus, it was set in England, which I adore.  Her protagonist is a ghost writer who is almost a recluse, with an unusual boyfriend she can’t commit to, and a host of other people sprinkled in.  It was a good read and her debut.  This sequel takes place in the US on Long Island, where I grew up, so I should have loved it.  It also has a host of distinctive people littering it, but I found it to be less enthralling and bit rushed.  Still, I finished it.  And then went on to The Gift Shop Books:

The Death Dealer by Heather Graham.  This mother of five (5! when does she find time to write?) claims to have written over a hundred novels.  This one has mystery, sex, and paranormal events.  A quick, rush of a read.

Mariah Stewart’s Mercy Street follows Cry for Mercy, concerning private investigator Mallory Russo.  There’s romance, missing children, and murder in what the back cover calls “an engaging romantic PI thriller.”  It was.

Last and definitely the steamiest, was Scream for Me by Karen Rose.  This one topped out at 569 pages, unusual for a romantic suspense thriller.  It pairs a nurse trying to find her kidnapped cousin, taking care of said cousin’s little girl who witnessed the brutal beating and kidnap of her mother, and a very muscular Special Agent of the georgia State Bureau of Investigation who is battling demons of his own in the form of his murdering brother.  Or was his brother the murderer?  And how does that tie into this kidnapping and the subsequent bodies that keep turning up?  And the newsman up a tree?  Oh, I could go on and on but this was so silly I had to keep reading to see how she tied up all the loose ends.  In the space of less than a week these two fall in love, and have some of the best sex of their lives on a sofa, against a door, and oh yeah, in a bed, of all places.  What a hoot!  If you want pure brain candy that just keeps on going like the energizer bunny (or this special agent), give this one shout.  Just don’t expect Jane Austen~

What these all had in common was more-than-usual sex. Which, since I bought them all in a hospital, made me grin. And let me live vicariously. . . .yeah, sex, I remember that~